Welcome to The Blog

Hi! I'm Enoma

A tech consultant, automator, & communicator.
I build automated processes for small teams and organizations.
My blog curates tools, tips, and resources for entrepreneurs wanting to create well.

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Looking for automation help for your small business? Learn more about my consulting services.
Integration Specialist
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Stackrie can help your team Work Smarter with an organized, optimized, and automated operations.

From To-dos to Done

If you're done with being overwhelmed from doing everything in your business by hand, it's time for us to chat.

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“A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult.”
“A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult.”
Sophia Allison
“A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult.”
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Going Slowly

I made a choice in the beginning of the year to choose hope and to get comfortable going slowly.
May 8, 2020
Enoma Osakue
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5 Great Podcasts for Social Entrepreneurs

Motivation and inspiration are two essential resources that can feel like work to upkeep. One way I’ve been nourishing my creative imagination is by listening to Podcasts.
Nov 4, 2019
Enoma Osakue
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So You Desperately Need to Hire For Diversity?

Your diversity problem may not be what you think it is. You don't just have a recruiting problem, you have a retention problem.
Oct 24, 2019
Enoma Osakue
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Why Social Entrepreneurs Should Care About Profit & Efficiency

Even if it's trendy right now, social entrepreneurs shouldn't abandon efficiencies or profit.
Oct 7, 2019
Enoma Osakue
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The Importance of Rest and Recovery

Do you remember those “Life comes at you fast” Nationwide commercials? I’m sharing four resources to help you learn about rest, and why you should prioritize it.
Sep 26, 2019
Enoma Osakue
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How to Find Community in a New Season

When there is a lot of transition and you’re in a new season, you’ll need support, and a space to decompress, and encouragement. It starts with a few good friends, but don’t let it stop there.
Sep 20, 2019
Enoma Osakue